Saturday, February 9, 2013

so many ways...I'll always love you

I got this song the other day from my husband, 
and after 10 years of marriage,
that's exactly how my love only grows,
 every day, 
for this man that I choose to be part of my life! 

And not only because today is Valentines,
but for those have found the love of their lifes or not yet,
  I'd like to share with you all this beautiful this song.

Enjoy your Valentine's day
your life with all the love there is in your heart!


  1. Happy Vantines day Andrea!
    i hope you get spoiled today:)

    Did you see that i gave your blog an award?

    1. Thank you Ina! I have being spoiled, maybe that's why my DH still working at 9:15 pm :( Anyway, I will try to catch up over the weekend :o) Hope you had a lovely time today, it was beautiful, wasn't it?!

      I got your award, thank you! I'm working on it, I'm just a little sllow after long family visit :o)
      Big hugs!

  2. What a voice Adele has!
    It's so nice you are so happily in love, Andrea! Glad to hear you were spoiled for Valentine's Day. :)
    Re the heart in polyore, I just copied and pasted it from another polyore friend! ❤

    1. Yes, she has that voice, and she is so pretty! Love the way she talks :)
      I'm very happy and in love with my valentine, just wished we had made out for dinner, but we had our date yesterday, and I was so hangover today!:P
      Thnx for the tip on the heart, I will copy that!

  3. Beautiful song. Hope you have a really wonderful day of love.

    1. I love it with the Cure too! We had a nice time (our Valentines day) yesterday, thank you!


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